Summary: In Budapest, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) staged a protest during the European Psychiatric Association Congress, criticizing harmful psychiatric practices. The event featured a march and an exhibition, highlighting the need for substantial reforms in the mental health industry, as requested by United Nations and the World
Scientology's Stand for Human Rights: A Look at the Budapest Protest Against Psychiatry
Summary: In Budapest, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) staged a protest during the European Psychiatric Association Congress, criticizing harmful psychiatric practices. The event featured a march and an exhibition, highlighting the need for substantial reforms in the mental health industry, as requested by United Nations and the World
Scientology's Stand for Human Rights: A Look at the Budapest Protest Against Psychiatry
Summary: In Budapest, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) staged a protest during the European Psychiatric Association Congress, criticizing harmful psychiatric practices. The event featured a march and an exhibition, highlighting the need for substantial reforms in the mental health industry, as requested by United Nations and the World destapa cómo FECRIS fabricó un tapadera sobre sus vínculos rusos
FECRIS - Una vez más, la revista especializada en derechos humanos, fundada por el experto Massimo Introvigne, ha dado la noticia esta mañana con la última "fabricación" de FECRIS. Animamos a los lectores a acceder al artículo completo en el siguiente hipervínculo.La organización antirreligiosa FECRIS, financiada prácticame destapa cómo FECRIS fabricó un tapadera sobre sus vínculos rusos
FECRIS - Una vez más, la revista especializada en derechos humanos, fundada por el experto Massimo Introvigne, ha dado la noticia esta mañana con la última "fabricación" de FECRIS. Animamos a los lectores a acceder al artículo completo en el siguiente hipervínculo.La organización antirreligiosa FECRIS, financiada prácticame